Food Approved FIBC Bulk Bags
Certified with AIB superior rating, BRC AA rating
Experience supplying blue chip companies in the food industry
Full trace-ability & stringent quality control
Focus on innovation & development
UK Storage available
FIBC Bulk Bags
Reliability and confidence in supply is important to our customers and so we ensure production of our Food Grade Bulk Bags takes place in our partner's factory which is certified with British Retail Consortium (BRC) AA rating, American Institute of Baking (AIB) Superior rating (the only factory in the world to have this for 3 consecutive years) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
The entire factory is geared up for production of food grade bulk bags and in order to achieve such high ratings our partners have ensured ALL areas of production are truly food grade. Only the best polypropylene is sourced to produce fibres of the finest quality and all looms are installed with ultrasonic cutting machines to prevent potential contamination risks. Quality checks are also conducted regularly by highly trained staff on the factory floor.
The recently commissioned in-house blown film plant can produce up-to 7 layer co-ex film allowing for highly
technical liners including gas flushing and barrier options, perfect for protecting milk powders and infant formulas. Lamination machines, equipped with brushing and dust removal, cater specifically for our customers requirements. All bags are stitched in the complete clean room environment with 5 micron filtered air and nothing is kept on the floor to further reduce the risk of contamination. Throughout the factory, positive air pressure is maintained and HEPA filtration installed allowing for the bulk bags to be stitched in a complete clean room environment.
Once manufacture is complete all bulk bags go through a visual inspection followed by light table inspection. The bulk bags are then moved to another area in the facility and a second light table inspection is conducted. Finally the FIBC's go through metal detection before being bailed, packed and wrapped with stretch wrapping and PP hoods. All in all, these food grade bags go through 241 quality checks from input to output.
Are you looking for food grade FIBC's?
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Quality & Hygiene
Production Capabilities:
Case Studies
Food Grade FIBC’s for Mondelez
Mondelez, are a multinational confectionery, food, and beverage company who employ 107,000 people around the world. Manufacturing chocolate, biscuits, gum, confectionery and powdered beverages. Mondelez's portfolio includes several billion pound brands such as Belvita, Chip Ahoy! Oreo, Ritz, Milka, Terry's, Tolberone, Cadbury's, Halls and Fry's.